Pride Events

Bollywood Club Nights

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Pride Events
Organiser Information

Pride event is the upcoming event management company based in Sydney. Our motto is to bring enjoyment and provide the unique experience to the audience. We celebrate all kind of festivals, dance and DJ nights in Sydney’s top class venues. Pride Events organise their events in Sydney’s finest venues like IVY, Establishment, Home, Verandah bar, Hemisphere, Pontoon, Shelbourne hotel Stamford hotel and party cruise. We believe in uniqueness and that is the reason we try to call celebrities from overseas. Pride events entertainment is the new venture by Preet Shah.Preet Shah came to Sydney on the student visa in 2014. He was very much interested in student-dominated events and there he found his way for settling up his event company for students where he can focus on student event industry and can bring what student actually want to see. After graduating from world’s top MBA university (UTS) he has started his event company and he has called Bollywood Shakira – NEHA KAKKAR in his first event.

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